Java Article 1 Code:

This code has been superceded in two ways.

First it has been split into two classes, one whose instances each represent a whole form, and another whose instances represent individual components on a form

Second, it has been redesigned to permit the whole range of GridBagLayout constraints options to be used.

//	HelpIndex: (c) 1996 PHD Computer Consultants Ltd
//			see
//	GridBagForm	statically represents a whole form
//				instances represents individual components on form
//	Version history
//	23-Sep-96	1.2.1	Split from file
//	2-Oct-96	1.2.4	Font parameter for component
//	3-Oct-96	1.2.5	statusText added

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Vector;

class GridBagForm
// Class constants and variables

	public static final short FORM_LABEL	= 1;
	public static final short FORM_TEXTFIELD= 2;
	public static final short FORM_TEXTAREA	= 3;
	public static final short FORM_LIST		= 4;
	public static final short FORM_BUTTON	= 5;
	public static final short FORM_SCROLLBAR= 6;
	public static final short FORM_CHOICE	= 7;

	private static boolean			inited		= false;

	private static Container		container	= null;
	private static GridBagLayout	gridbag		= null;
	private static GridBagConstraints constraints= null;
	private static Vector			itemList	= null;

	private static int TabCurrent = -1;
	private static int itemCount = 0;

	private Component	component;

// Instance variables

	private int			id;
	private short		type;
	private String		name;
	private short		size;
	private Color		bgColour;
	private Color		fgColour;
	private String		statusText;


private GridBagForm( int _id, short _type, String _name, short _size, Color _bgColour, Color _fgColour, String _statusText)
	component = null;

	id = _id;
	type = _type;
	name = _name;
	size = _size;
	bgColour = _bgColour;
	fgColour = _fgColour;
	statusText = _statusText;


public static void init( Container _container, Font font, int anchor, double weightx, double weighty)
	container	= _container;

	itemList	= new Vector();
	gridbag     = new GridBagLayout();
	constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
	constraints.anchor = anchor;
	constraints.weightx = weightx;
	constraints.weighty = weighty;

	if( font!=null)


	TabCurrent = -1;
	itemCount = 0;
	inited = true;

//	to do: add other form components

public static Component addComponent( int id, short type, String name, int size, Color bgColour, Color fgColour, Font font, String statusText, int gridwidth, int fill)
	if( !inited) return null;

	GridBagForm newItem = new GridBagForm( id, type, name, (short)size, bgColour, fgColour, statusText);
	if( newItem==null) return null;

	switch( type)
		newItem.component = new Label( name);
		newItem.component = new TextField(size);
	case FORM_LIST:
		newItem.component = new List(Math.abs(size),(size<0));
		newItem.component = new Button(name);

	if( newItem.component==null) return null;

	newItem.component.setBackground( bgColour);
	newItem.component.setForeground( fgColour);
	if( font!=null)

	constraints.gridwidth = gridwidth;
	constraints.fill = fill;
	gridbag.setConstraints( newItem.component, constraints);
	container.add( newItem.component);

	itemList.addElement( newItem);

	return newItem.component;


public static int getIdFromComponent( Object component)
	for( int i=0; i<itemCount; i++)
		GridBagForm thisItem = (GridBagForm)itemList.elementAt(i);
		if( component==thisItem.component)
	return 0;


public static Component getComponentFromId( int id)
	for( int i=0; i<itemCount; i++)
		GridBagForm thisItem = (GridBagForm)itemList.elementAt(i);
			return thisItem.component;
	return null;


public static void start()
//	browsers complain that neither TabCurrent nor itemCount can be accessed
//	TabCurrent = itemCount-1;
	Tab( true);


public static void Tab( boolean onwards)
	if( !inited || itemCount==0 ) return;

	// look for next item for focus
	for( int i=0; i<itemCount; i++)
		if( onwards)
			if( ++TabCurrent >= itemCount)
				TabCurrent = 0;
			if( --TabCurrent < 0)
				TabCurrent = itemCount-1;

		GridBagForm thisItem = (GridBagForm)itemList.elementAt(TabCurrent);
		if( thisItem.type != FORM_LABEL)


public static String GotFocus( Object component)
	if( !inited) return null;

	// serach for the new focus
	for( int i=0; i<itemCount; i++)
		GridBagForm thisItem = (GridBagForm)itemList.elementAt(i);
		if( component==thisItem.component)
			TabCurrent = i;
			return thisItem.statusText;
	return null;


public static String statusText()
	GridBagForm thisItem = (GridBagForm)itemList.elementAt(TabCurrent);
	return thisItem.statusText;

// GridBagForm class end curly bracket

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